Lionel Jannaud
Professeur agrégé de Sciences Physiques – Lycée
Hoche (Versailles) depuis 1998-1999
Email :
Livres de corrigés de problèmes de concours aux grandes écoles/exercices corrigés dans la collection Taupe Niveau (Ellipse) :
Electronique et conversion de puissance
(PC, PC*, PSI et PSI*), 2001,
15 problèmes de mécanique
(MPSI, PCSI et PTSI), 2002,
15 problèmes de thermodynamique
(MPSI, PCSI et PTSI), 2003,
problèmes d'électrostatique et magnétostatique (MPSI,
PCSI et PTSI), 2004.
problèmes d’électrocinétique et optique géométrique
(MPSI, PCSI et PTSI), 2005.
exercices corrigés (MPSI, PCSI et PTSI)
Livres de cours (Ellipses) :
Tout le cours de physique (MPSI,PCSI, MP2I et PTSI), 2021
Jannaud, P.M. Adler, C.G. Jacquin : Spectral
analysis and inversion of codas. Journal of Geophysical Research, VOL. 96, NO. B11,
Pages 18215-18231, octobre 1991.
L.R. Jannaud, P.M. Adler, C.G. Jacquin :
Frequency dependence of the Q factor in random media.
Journal of Geophysical Research, VOL. 96, NO. Bll, Pages
18233-18243, octobre 1991.
L.R. Jannaud, P.M. Adler, C.G. Jacquin :
Wave propagation in random anisotropic media. Journal of
Geophysical Research, VOL. 97, NO. B11, Pages 15277-15289,
octobre 1992.
L.R. Jannaud, P.M. Adler, C.G. Jacquin :
Statistical inversion of seismic noise. Revue
de l'Institut Français du Pétrole, VOL. 47, NO. 6,
Novembre-Décembre 1992.
L.R. Jannaud, P.M. Adler, C.G. Jacquin :
Spectral analysis and inversion of expérimental codas.
Geophysics, VOL. 58, NO. 3 Pages 408-418, mars 1993.
Q.H. Tran, L.R. Jannaud, P.M. Adler :
Coda spectral power and apparent attenuation factor of
acoustic waves in 3D random media. Journal of Acoustical
Society of America. VOL. 94 (4), Pages 2397-2407, Octobre 1993.
L.R. Jannaud and F. Delprat-Jannaud : Traveltime
inversion with a priori information on illuminated parts of
the reflectors. Journal of Geophysical Research, VOL. 100,
NO. B2, Pages 2151-2160, février 1995.
L.R. Jannaud : Reliability of
traveltime data computed from interpreted migrated events.
Journal of Geophysical Research, VOL. 100, NO. B2, Pages
2135-2149, février 1995.
L.R. Jannaud, P.M. Adler, C.G. Jacquin :
Statistical treatment of codas. Proceedings of the Society of
Exploration Geophysicists sixtieth annual international
meeting. San Francisco, California, 23-27 septembre 1990.
L.R. Jannaud, P.M. Adler, C.G.
Jacquin : Inversion of codas and
attenuation. Proceedings of the
first international conference on mathematical and numerical
aspects of wave propagation. Strasbourg, France, 23-26
avril 1991.
L.R. Jannaud, P.M. Adler, C.G.
Jacquin : Seismic noise inversion for real data :
heterogeneity recognition. Proceedings of the Society of
Exploration Geophysicists sixty-second annual international
meeting. New Orleans, Louisiana, 25-29 octobre 1992.
L.R. Jannaud : Two-point raytracing in
complex media. PSI Annual Report 1992,
Institut Français du Pétrole, Rueil-Malmaison.
L.R. Jannaud : How to estimate the
reliability of traveltime data computed from interpreted
migrated events ? Proceedings of the Society of
Exploration Geophysicists sixtythird annual international
meeting. Washington, D.C., 26-30 septembre 1993.
L.R. Jannaud and F. Delprat-Jannaud : Traveltime
inversion with a priori information on illuminated parts of
the reflectors. PSI Annual Report 1993, Institut Français
du Pétrole, Rueil-Malmaison.
L.R. Jannaud : How to estimate the
reliability of traveltime data computed from interpreted
migrated events? PSI Annual Report 1993, Institut Français
du Pétrole, Rueil-Malmaison.
F. Delprat-Jannaud, A. Ehinger, J. Jacobs, L.R.
Jannaud, P. Lailly, I. Marin : Tracking the base of
salt with the SMART method. PSI
Annual Report 1993, Institut Français du Pétrole,
Jannaud and F. Delprat-Jannaud : Structural a
priori information for reflection tomography. Proceedings of the Society of Exploration
Geophysicists sixty-fourth annual international meeting. Los
Angeles, California, 23-27 octobre 1994.
L.R. Jannaud : Common offset
raytracing. Proceedings of the Society of Exploration
Geophysicists sixty-fourth annual international meeting. Los
Angeles, California, 23-27 octobre 1994.
L.R. Jannaud : Common offset
raytracing. PSI Annual Report 1994,
Institut Français du Pétrole, Rueil-Malmaison.
F. Delprat-Jannaud and L.R. Jannaud : Formulation
of reflection tomography for a common shot configuration of
the SMART method. PSI Annual Report 1994, Institut
Français du Pétrole, Rueil-Malmaison.
R.A. Clarke, L.R. Jannaud and M. Peinado : Ray shooting in 2D and 3D complexe blocky models.
PSI Annual Report 1994, Institut Français du Pétrole,
L.R. Jannaud : Two-point raytracing by
paraxial ray density control. PSI Annual Report 1995,
Institut Français du Pétrole, Rueil-Malmaison.
R.A. Clarke, L.R. Jannaud : 3D zero
offset and common shot raytracing with multiple arrivals.
PSI Annual Report 1995, Institut Français du Pétrole,
L.R. Jannaud : Two-point raytracing
in Marmousi. Proceedings
R.A. Clarke, L.R. Jannaud : Raytracing
in the overthrust model. Proceedings of the Society of
Exploration Geophysicists sixty-sixth annual international
meeting. Denver, 10-15 novembre 1996.
Communications à des congrès
Jannaud, P.M. Adler, C.G. Jacquin : Spectral
analysis of codas. European
Association of Exploration Geophysicists fifty second annual
meeting. Copenhague. Danemark, 28 mai-1juin 1990.
A.Sei, F. Collino, L. Jannaud : Numerical
schemes for the wave equation in heterogeneous media. SIAM
annual meeting. Chicago, 1990.
L.R. Jannaud, P.M. Adler, C.G. Jacquin :
Inversion of codas and attenuation. First international
conference on mathematical and numerical aspects of wave
propagation. Strasbourg, France, 23-26 avril 1991.
L.R. Jannaud, P.M. Adler, C.G. Jacquin : Seismic noise inversion for real data: heterogeneity
recognition. Proceedings of the Society of Exploration
Geophysicists sixty-second annual international meeting. New
Orleans, Louisiana, 25-29 octobre 1992.
L.R. Jannaud : How to estimate the
reliability of traveltime data computed from interpreted
migrated events ? Proceedings of the Society of
Exploration Geophvsicists sixtythird annual international
meeting. Washington, D.C., 26-30 septembre 1993.
L.R. Jannaud and F. Delprat-Jannaud :
Structural a priori information for reflection tomography.
Proceedings of the Society of Exploration Geophvsicists
sixty-fourth annual international meeting. Los Angeles,
California, 23-27 octobre 1994.
L.R. Jannaud : Common offset
raytracing. Proceedings of the Society of Exploration
Geophysicists sixty-fourth annual international meeting. Los
Angeles, California, 23-27 octobre 1994.
R.A. Clarke, L.R. Jannaud : Raytracing in the overthrust model. Proceedings of the Society of Exploration Geophysicists sixty-sixth annual international meeting. Denver, 10-15 novembre 1996.